Our venue has a large parking lot with plenty of free parking!
Is the venue indoors or outdoors?
Our ceremony and reception are outdoors, a tent will be available for the reception.
What is the dress code?
We would love for our family and friends to dress up with us! We have requested for formal attire. For the ladies, we recommend not wearing thin heels as the venue is mostly grass.
What time should I arrive?
Doors open at 1:30pm and the ceremony begins at 2pm. We kindly ask you to arrive 15-30 minutes early to ensure you do not miss anything! A water station will be available upon arrival.
What's for dinner!?
We will be having a wood fired pizza truck at the wedding! It will be set up buffet style with salads as well. A gluten free option will also be available.
When is the party over?
Music will be shut off at 11pm and all guests are required to be off the property by 12am. If needed, you can leave your vehicle on site, but you will not be able to access it till 11am on Sunday.
Have questions?
Don't hesitate to email me at spvickery@outlook.com